About our amazing journey at Serenity Acres Farms

Serenity Acres Collage Mountain_View Wild Animals

Serenity Acres Farms is a family-owned small farm making our dreams come true. It started as a chicken farm with nine hand raised chicks purchased locally. A single chicken coop rescued from ruin was up-fitted with insulation, perches and slatted interior. This affords the protection to our flock in the winter, wind and inclement weather.

All additions and amenities for our animals as well as our house have been from up-cycled or recycled means. Pallets are a main staple as is salvage building materials from demolitions we have taken part of in order to “build on a budget”.

Currently we have three chicken coops each with their own “run”. The runs incorporate hog panel and welded wire for protection from predators whether they are ground dwelling or aerial.

We have two goat barns that measure 10×10 each and a feed storage barn attached to the two goat barns that measures 10×20. Future plans include a new barn that will be roughly 40×40 and have 12 stalls for breeding, birthing, kids,horses, office, tack room and triage. A loft will be included for additional storage and multiple large “runs” for various use branching out from the barn.

Our small farm consists of twenty three goats of different breeds consisting of Saanen, Alpine, Lamancha, Boar, Pygmy and Nigerian dwarfs. Over thirty hearty egg producing chickens of various breed, one rooster and six ducks who produce a colorful range of eggs.We also have 3 horses currently in training to be trail horses so we can provide trail riding in the near future.

Our farm is constantly growing, and we invite our neighbors to come on out and milk a goat (seasonal), give them treats, play with the baby goats (seasonal), collect eggs, and give chickens treats. We also hand make goat milk products such as soap and lotions with plans to offer butter, cheese and milk in the future.


maria riveramaria rivera
19:03 27 Oct 22
I have received soaps and lotions as a gift, and I love these products. Aside from their fragrance, after using the soaps you feel squeaky clean. Such a nice clean feeling. Will continue using these products.
Sarah RobertsSarah Roberts
22:25 21 May 22
I bought soap and lotion and I could not be more impressed! Each person I talked to was so nice and I will definitely be buying more!Thank you!